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The old Goffs school house property

020-goffs-museum-768px.jpg After buying water at the Fenner gas station, I ride 10 miles further up Route 66 and arrive at Goffs, CaliforniaThumbnailsBlack Canyon Road winds through the Colton Hills as it approaches Essex RoadAfter buying water at the Fenner gas station, I ride 10 miles further up Route 66 and arrive at Goffs, CaliforniaThumbnailsBlack Canyon Road winds through the Colton Hills as it approaches Essex RoadAfter buying water at the Fenner gas station, I ride 10 miles further up Route 66 and arrive at Goffs, CaliforniaThumbnailsBlack Canyon Road winds through the Colton Hills as it approaches Essex RoadAfter buying water at the Fenner gas station, I ride 10 miles further up Route 66 and arrive at Goffs, CaliforniaThumbnailsBlack Canyon Road winds through the Colton Hills as it approaches Essex Road

The old school house is being restored and the property being set up as a museum. Unfortunately it's closed today. A lot of volunteer work has gone into this project.